Saturday, July 9, 2011

Just another rant about why I hate Windows...

Windows 7 Starter is doing a power down update at this moment on my new netbook. The amount of software and online apps this thing has on it is mind-boggling, especially when they could have just stuck a nearly empty version of Windows 7 Home or Professional, or even XP, on there and it would run just as fast, if not faster, and have more room to add functionality and applications.

But, no, they have to do it for you and make life all nice and easy! In my case, that usually means my life is made more difficult. And, I bet its the same way for the majority of at-least-semi-intelligent computer users out there.

The sooner I can use Linux for everything the better.

Still fiddling, though, with getting Linux installed via a Live USB...

Oh look! My netbook's almost done with its set of 52 updates.

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