Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sing Off

So, I watched this show that my mother suggested from Facebook. I went in with fairly low expectations, which is always a good thing.

I was somewhat impressed by the first episode, a few groups were entertaining and performed quite nicely. In fact, I enjoyed it enough that I wanted to see the next one, even though each episode is an hour and a half long.

Really, though, the "expert" panel of judges was a letdown... They could have been scathing (one of them at least), like Simon on Britain's Got Talent, or something like that. But no, they had praise for every group. And Nicole... don't even get me started, but that woman needs to learn how to gut a performance when it deserves that.

The announcer? All he seemed good for was repeating a bunch of cliches and tag phrases and stating the obvious. Not sure why they need him at all.

While watching the first two episodes, I was rating most of the groups on a scale from 1 to 10, 10 being basically impossible to attain, and 1 being... well... we won't go there.

The Whiffenpoofs were the best group, of course. Also the most traditional in style, but whatever. That had nothing to do with my opinion. Almost nothing. The worst were probably Men of Note, and they got eliminated in the first round. So, no problem there.

But tragedy of tragedies, the Whiffenpoofs, for no logical reason whatever, were eliminated in episode two. Seriously, that was a misguided decision.

And, for those of you who haven't seen the show, and if this does not make any sense, I wouldn't strongly recommend it. It is interesting though. It does seem as if it would mostly appeal to the ignorant masses who are led by pop music, however. Nevertheless, it is always interesting to see some truly skillful coordination of singing and sound.

1 comment:

  1. At least they sing a cappella, so there has to be a rudiment of skill/talent to build upon.

    And the little bit I watched would support your opinion that the judges don't know how to be critical.

    Too bad the more traditional group got eliminated. If audience voting has anything to do with it, that is probably the reason.

    Why can't people be more like you and me?

