Saturday, June 12, 2010

Move slowly and wait for the turtles.

This is something else.

Okay, its bad enough that in Iowa, you aren't supposed to kill bats that you find sharing your residence with you.

And, yeah, its bad enough that in Colorado you have to have a bear visit you twice before you can take lethal action.

But turtles? Is anybody aware how slow those things move?

While I like to think I am no animal lover (a tree hugger, but with an eye instead on anything from cute, furry creatures to ugly, hide-your-face beasts), reckless abandon is another kind of animal treatment. We should care about the Creation that has been put under our dominion. Indeed, turtles are so cute... who would want to hit one anyway. But, sometimes, bureaucracy amazes me to no end... (and the states' version is more funny, partly because it is less agonizing)

If anything, this policy is going to bring a whole new meaning to the idea of falling asleep at the wheel.


  1. Hey, I just saw a turtle crossing the road yesterday. I was taking a walk and I didn't step on it and I didn't see anyone run over it. But... I would stop short at helping them, 'cause what if they bite?

    If I were you I would just relax until they sign braking into law, till then swerving will save everyone nicely.

  2. Yes, swerving is an option.

    But, one should take several factors into account before one decides to give the wheel a bit of a rotation: namely, the composition of the road upon which one is driving, the presence and quality of moisture upon the driving surface, and the speed at which one is driving (just to name a few).

    So, yes, go ahead and swerve for a turtle.

    Or, did you mean deftly guiding the wheels around the creature?

  3. Either. I would say either. And don't spend too long calculating all those factors or you WILL hit the poor turtle.
