Thursday, June 24, 2010

What has happened to Pelosi?

If Pelosi is talking like this, I will wonder if her party has any chance in the fall. And, I may be even more surprised if people do not wonder out loud about Obama's integrity.

I mean you don't just open the door for your opponent to find out well-kept secrets by acknowledging something exists there. Maybe, it's a new strategy. Be direct, be bold, and stop them in their tracks. Or, maybe she thinks people aren't suspicious yet.

"'Subpoenas and investigations'"? Oh no! Don't even mention the idea. What would your political opponents do that for?

It is possible that many a Republican has refrained because they do not have the majority. I would like to believe it (and yet, it would probably do little for my opinion of their allegiance to truth and justice), but I kind of doubt it...

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Move slowly and wait for the turtles.

This is something else.

Okay, its bad enough that in Iowa, you aren't supposed to kill bats that you find sharing your residence with you.

And, yeah, its bad enough that in Colorado you have to have a bear visit you twice before you can take lethal action.

But turtles? Is anybody aware how slow those things move?

While I like to think I am no animal lover (a tree hugger, but with an eye instead on anything from cute, furry creatures to ugly, hide-your-face beasts), reckless abandon is another kind of animal treatment. We should care about the Creation that has been put under our dominion. Indeed, turtles are so cute... who would want to hit one anyway. But, sometimes, bureaucracy amazes me to no end... (and the states' version is more funny, partly because it is less agonizing)

If anything, this policy is going to bring a whole new meaning to the idea of falling asleep at the wheel.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Elections.... bah!

So, as the primaries approach in Iowa, I thought I would take up on one of my favorite agenda topics: voting.


Before everybody thinks they know what I am going to say, let me say this, "Relax, I'm not going partisan today."

When I think of voting (and all its attendant woes, both in choice and influence), I recall some peoples' conclusions in 2008 when we (supposedly) had such bad choices. In such a situation--when people assert their choice to be only the lesser of two evils--they start to get frustrated with the whole idea of voting and would rather forgo it. I can hardly tell you what I feel when I hear of this reaction.

But, I will keep myself under control.

Practically needless to say, there are never only two choices in any election. (However, the assumption is just one more reason why I loath the two party system.) Usually, there are a handful of minor parties with candidates who often may capture our ideas better but who are also so highly unlikely to win, we think it is unwise to vote for them or that it is a vote for the guy we really want to stop from winning.

Not only that, there are also all those independents the media keeps trumping up (by alternately almost never mentioning the minor party candidates).

Besides, one can always enter an alternate name in the ballot--someone who is not even on the list. You could vote for Stephen Hawking, Rick Warren, George Clooney, Jason the Awesome... the possibilities are endless.

Yes, there is no excuse for complaining that there is no one to vote for.

So, please don't let me hear this year, in two years, or any time, that there is no point in voting because of the choices. Actually, I believe (and dare to express this belief) that it is the duty of every eligible American citizen to vote.

I realize that the primaries are only just now coming on us. Things are not quite that desperate yet (assuming they ever are to begin with). Perhaps, though, if people vote now in the primaries, they might have some choices in the fall.

Worth thinking about.

Maybe next time, I should talk about the difference between a smart vote and a needing-more-thought vote. Heh heh.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Let me introduce a colleague.

In case any of you were wondering what the deal was with Trallferd and whether I had finally lost my mind...

Trallferd is a troll. A little green troll. We share similar beliefs, and if I may say so myself, get along fairly well. He is my colleague and scribe. Thus, each post is in his name. Nevertheless, most of the time, I am the author. But, only most of the time...