Thursday, January 15, 2015

A Story (Chapter 1)

Once there was a dark and desolate world. A young boy sat on the ground, on the face of this world. And, the Father looked over the world and saw this boy. He loved the boy, and sought to be loved by him, to be in relationship with him.

The Father came down to the boy and spoke to him, "Son!"

The boy looked up to the Father.

"Dance for me", He said to the boy.

The boy's eyes widened. He looked at his arms and then at his feet, and then he asked,


The Father smiled at the boy. He reached out to the boy and picked him up by the hand.

"Like this."

And the Father showed the boy how to dance. The words of the Father that were left on the boy's ears when he found himself alone echoed in his mind:

Now, dance for me.

The boy felt a little nervous excitement run through his body. Then, he started to dance. The motion of his limbs caused warmth to flow through his body. The earthy texture and the whining wind in the air titillated his senses. He grew confident and started to smile. He laughed. Joy was filling his heart and then started to spread across his face.

The Father saw the boy dance, and He smiled.

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