Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Digital Saga

The days are winding down before the end of the semester. Tomorrow, I mean today, my team has to make a tremendous effort to finish our final project in Digital Electronics so we can present it on Friday. (Oh, and I have a quiz, 3-4 homework sets of Differential Equations, and a two page paper due on Friday also. I am behind a Circuits homework set. I have to finish a final project in Computer Science II and a homework set in Statics by Saturday and I think I just failed two quizzes in Digital Electronics.)

Concerning the Digital project, though, we are still figuring out the logic. And, when you are using 3 CPLD's and dozens of logic chips, figuring out the logic is not a good stage to be in just before the presentation.

I have to say, this semester has been a whirl-wind. I feel like I have learned more in the past four months than I have ever learned in my life. Nobody told me engineering would be so difficult... nobody told me I would love it so much.

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